
December 20, 2009 Linny, older child adoption 6 Comments

By Linny@A Place Called Simplicity

I am sitting writing in our dark hotel room in Guangzhou, China. Emma (our 16 yr. old) and I came to finally (!) meet and bring home our Jubilee Promise who we have been in the process of trying to adopt for over 600 days.

I was just reading my Bible (by cell phone light) and felt the need to share some thoughts. Many who read No Hands But Ours are considering special needs and many have already “taken the plunge”.

Our Jubilee has multiple special needs. Cleft lip/cleft palate (repaired), estropia (repaired), ear deformity – just for starters. There are other things too. We will wait on those till we see docs in the states. We knew there were some unknowns when we pursued adopting Jubilee. We knew that there was chance she would be with us for life. My husband, Dw and I, were good with all that. We have never liked the idea of an “empty nest” (actually sounds soooo boring to us!!). Having Jubilee in my arms….I am smitten. Whatever the doctors find? She’s ours! Forever and we are thrilled.

Anyway, yesterday we had Jubilee’s medical exam in the Guangzhou clinic – a wonderful chance to talk to other adoptive parents. While there I was talking to a couple who were adopting their 8th child (3rd adoption). The mom was sharing with me that they have a down syndrome son, which they birthed. In the midst of the conversation, the mom said something about having a son with DS. It is a wise (Biblical word)…..and I just had to mention it.

“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself.” Matt. 6:34

Yes, tomorrow is not even a given. Today is all we have. Enjoy it. Love your kids. Love your spouse. Special needs kids? Today is all we have. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. And really, who knows what 20 years from now will bring. We have a faithful God who will meet each need tomorrow. He is working the night shift on your behalf, your kids behalf, Jubilee’s behalf, etc. He loves these precious treasures far more than any of us could dream or imagine. His plan for them is good. Just take one day at a time. It’s all we have.

Blessings from China,

6 responses to “Jubilee”

  1. The Gang's Momma! says:

    LOVE IT! Just finished reading the last four posts in my Reader, when this one popped up. Thanks for sharing, Linny. Been reading your blog on and off for over a year now – so happy to see Jubilee smiling and in your arms.

    Our Li'l Empress has what looks like a similar ear deformity. If you ever want some connection with another family living with Microtia, you can find me via my blog.

    Merry Christmas – it's the merriest for you all in the Simplicity family, I'm sure.

  2. Chris says:

    Great words of wisdom….

    Thank you for sharing!

    I love how you said God is working the night shift…never heard that before…but, oh so true!

    I must comment on Jubilee's eyes….
    they are amazing!
    So full of life…so full of promise!!

  3. Annie says:

    Wonderful words!!

  4. Stefanie says:

    You inspire me, Linny! Your courage, your commitment, your unwavering faith 🙂
    Indeed, today is all we have. We need to stop worrying so much about 'tomorrow'… and instead live for today, and love for today!
    Prayers going up for you all 🙂

  5. Michelle says:

    Beautifully written! Congratulations on finally completing your adoption and having Jubilee home!!

  6. Kris says:

    "he's working the night shift on your behalf"- on their behalf, for all of us.

    that says it all.

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