Each Wednesday we post links from the previous week that touch on special needs adoption. Our hope is that these small snapshots provide you with a glimpse of life after adopting through China’s waiting child program… both the long-term blessings and the challenges that come with parenting a child with special needs. We also hope to raise awareness about a variety of special needs.
Luke 2 — adoptive momma (China) Nicole at The Baker Sweets… thoughts and emotions after their recent trip to see their developmental pediatrician and later a comment from a stranger who overheard her discussing the trip
Mama — adoptive momma (China) Cheri at Infinite Love… the reaction she received from her daughter upon arriving home after a two-week trip to China to adopt their son
My baby’s eyes — adoptive momma (China) Kristi at Fireworks & Fireflies… detailing a recent trip to the pediatric ophthalmologist
Dear Moms Like Me — adoptive momma (domestic and the Ukraine) Tracie Loux at From the Heart… a letter to mommas who parent children with emotional special needs
Geographic Tongue — adoptive momma (China) snapshot at Somebody Needs a Nap… a short, informational post (with photo) of geographic tongue
Reduced-Stress Easter — adoptive momma (foster care) Hartley at Hartley’s Life With 3 Boys… a list of stress-reducing hints for Easter, especially if you have a child struggling with sensory issues
We Are Home — adoptive parents (China) Glenn and Lori at Our Life With Nora… describing their daughter’s cochlear implant surgery, with photographs
Older Child Adoption and the Education Dilemma — adoptive momma (China) and Love Without Boundaries (LWB) volunteer Lisa Kaden at the LWB Community… navigating education issues with older child adoption
Against All Odds — adoptive momma (China) Paulette at Love You Forever… Annalise beats the odds and is potty training
Grace Owes Me Big Time — adoptive momma (China) Ellen at Frannie’s Journey… a family navigates bleeding issues after cleft palate surgery
brain to toes — adoptive momma (China) Kris at Tell Her This… reactions after hearing an initial diagnosis of chiari II malformation
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