Each Wednesday we post links from the previous week that touch on special needs adoption. Our hope is that these small snapshots provide you with a glimpse of life after adopting through China’s waiting child program… both the long-term blessings and the challenges that come with parenting a child with special needs. We also hope to raise awareness about a variety of special needs.
Waiting… — adoptive momma (China) Joanna B at Waiting for Two… a video of her daughter still in the hospital after surgery
Can Low Performance on an EOG Qualify an Adopted Child for an IEP? — adoptive momma (domestic) Faith Allen at the group adoption blog Adoption Under One Roof… navigating the world of school IEPs, also known as an individualized education plan
Cardiology Update — adoptive momma (China ) Snapshot at Somebody Needs a Nap… why dental trips will be a tad more complicated now
The Saga Ends at the Dentist Tomorrow — adoptive momma (China) CW at I Will Pull This Blog Over!… another dentist story, this time relating to the special need cleft lip/ cleft palate
Why I DON’T want to accept the cerebral palsy — momma Ellen at Love That Max!… on why she feels strongly that she shouldn’t just “accept” her son’s special need
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