To the Fathers who Lead Us… {Thank you}

June 17, 2015 Andrea Y., Dads 0 Comments

It’s not easy being a mom. And bringing home little loves through foster care or adoption adds a little twist in our mommying as we walk more tenderly through healing and hopes of attaching… as deep and strong as every mommy hopes to. But this week – I think of you… the fathers that lead us – so well.

We have the mommy blogs to encourage us… the forums to prepare us – and so many opportunities to connect us. So many more opportunities than fathers really have it seems.

Yet – you lead our families so well.

Thank you.


Thank you for being willing to listen.

Thank you for seeing our tears as our hearts were broken and pulled and longing.

Thank you for not writing off those tears, but holding our hands.

Some times your hearts were far ahead of us – and you waited.

Some times you didn’t understand or you knew the circumstances were not right – but still – you listened.

I watch my sweet boys in this very moment I write – cuddled up on the couch in their home.  Together. Safe. Happy. And home.

To the fathers who lead us – so well – thank you.

Thank you for the physical checkups, for the paper chasing in between meetings, for being patient with us as our mommy hearts waited. Thank you for helping figure out how we would make the travel details work – and for being willing to unlearn a lot with our past parenting ideas – and to listen with me how to help our children’s hearts heal.

Thank you for holding our hand during this beautiful journey of parenting… and seeing our heart and the hearts of our children.


Thank you for reminding us over and over that, sure there are things in our future that we could fear… but that HOPE and Jesus wipe fear away – and to just keep our eyes up – and to take one day at a time.

We have watched you love so big and well when we were so tired – and hearing you laugh has breathed refreshment into our hearts of the JOY that comes with our YES… and trusting the Lord in how we grow our families.

Thank you for the seasons and years when our heart longs to grow – and instead of just saying no – you point to those kids cuddled up on the couch… and remind us that right now we are RIGHT HERE… but you are always open… because that’s just what we do. You remind us you are listening and waiting and open to whatever the Lord has too.

Thank you for listening – and waiting – and being open because you just never know what the Lord will call our family too.


How do I ever thank you for saying YES to what is already right here before me? Thank you for being on this journey with me – and for loving our team so well. Fathers – we thank you. And bless you. And love you – for leading and loving so well.

Happy Father’s Day!

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