The Heart of An Orphan: How One Orphan Inspired a Movement That Brings Hope and Healing to Thousands

November 23, 2016 books, LWB, NGOs, other ways to care for the orphan, Rebecca 0 Comments

“Walking into my daughter’s orphanage for the first time changed everything
 I thought I knew about my life.” 
- Amy Eldridge

Do you have anybody you’d like to sit across a table from? I’m guessing you have a list of folks. As for me, I’d designate one of my chairs to Amy Eldridge, founder of Love Without Boundaries. In our family, she’s earned hero status. She doesn’t wear a numbered jersey and she’s never been elected to office, but, like so many of us, she walked into her daughter’s orphanage and her heart was transformed.

”I returned back to the US and tried everything in my power to go back to life as usual, but I couldn’t get the children I had met in the orphanage out of my mind. 
Their faces never left my thoughts.”

She was an ordinary, unqualified mom of many who witnessed injustice and couldn’t allow it on her watch, so she took the first step to help one child. Several years, many steps and countless stories later, The Love Without Boundaries Foundation, and its team of big-hearted volunteers and donors, just reported having helped over 4,300 children, through their medical program alone.


Amy Eldridge is a warrior for the voiceless, and we all get a chance to learn from this trustworthy guide, because she’s written a book filled with stories from the front lines of orphan care.

Read The Heart of an Orphan to be reminded that heroes still exist in this hard world. 

Read it step outside your comfort zone 

Read it because your heart breaks for vulnerable children.

Read it to expand your understanding of ethical orphan care.

Read it because every child counts.

Read it to renew your belief in miracles.


Be aware though. You can’t read these words and be untouched. You can’t hear the stories of these sick and hurting children, and remain on the sidelines. Your heart will ache. Tears will form. You’ll be moved to action. Challenged by the impact of passionate people standing up for the voiceless, you’ll find yourself considering what you might do.

All those involved with Love Without Boundaries, from the founders to the volunteers, the medical and orphanage staff to the donors, are changing and saving lives. LWB’s reach has expanded into healing homes, schooling, foster homes and the Unity program, which seeks to help keep families together. They are currently crossing new boundaries with help programs emerging in Cambodia and Uganda. With each brave yes, they push through complex cross cultural issues, gut-wrenching medical decision making, mountain sized obstacles and staggering needs, in order fight for children, one story at a time. This book is a glimpse into the journey.


“Every child counts.” Not just those in the US or those fortunate enough to be born healthy, or those with a bright future already in front of them, but every single child who enters this world, regardless of location, circumstance, or special need.”

Reading the chronicles of little medical warriors fighting for life without a parent by their side is a perspective changer. I’ve stood in orphanages, have a Facebook newsfeed filled with waiting and fighting medical needs kids, and have cheered on hundreds of kids and families, yet this book still widened my view. It challenged my thinking, expanded my cultural understanding, deepened my passion and crushed my heart all over again.

The Heart of an Orphan is filled with hope in the midst of hurt. It’s pages bear witness to the heroic tales of individual lives, from babies to teens. You’ll be amazed at the power of the human spirit to overcome incredible odds. Their battles will enlarge your gratitude and bolster your own courage.

Pull up a chair and sit with Amy Eldridge for a while. She’s got stories to share that you are going to want to hear.


You can find the book, and precious photos of children whose stories are chronicled, here. In her humble way, Amy seeks no applause. She simply longs for the world to know the stories and see the faces of the little souls that get lost in statistics.

To help make that happen, The Heart of An Orphan will be free on Kindle from December 6-10.

Let’s help share these stories.

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