Today feels like one of those “the days are long but the years are fast” kinda days — busy, demanding, a mile long to-do-list sort of seasons of motherhood. Have you been there? Maybe you are like me and feel like you live there! It’s in these impossible laundry-piled days that’s it’s easy to forget how we got here… and, more importantly, why we so graciously and perfectly belong here.
My 8 year old walks around the chair to see a picture of a beautiful Chinese boy we are praying for.
– Momma. Is that Zeke when he was little?
– No baby. It’s not. It’s a little boy in China we can pray for. He doesn’t have a family quite yet – but we can pray for him while he waits and pray for his family to hear clearly from the Lord.
– We can be his family momma.
– Oh sweet boy. We can pray for a family for him. We have a big family. There’s a family out there for him. (Woah. Even the thought of growing again sends me in sweats! Have you ever been there too?!)
– Six is not a lot momma. Then we could have seven. And seven is not a lot. It’s not too big momma. Every body needs a family.
And in that moment – I was reminded – what we are here for.
It’s not about us.
Or me.
Or even them.
But to constantly open our hearts and hands and say whatever plans the Lord has for us — because we are His. My children are teaching me and on these hard days I can use these moments more than ever.
There are so many, many days this mom feels so overwhelmed. Whoever said it’s all the same after you have your third child – they were smoking something 😉 Because for us, six has been really a new, over-the-top challenge. Kinda the feeling when you were a mom for the first time – and you started all over with trying to find any sense of a new normal — when to go to the grocery, when to get sleep, how you manage organization and cleaning.
And as I type… in the quiet. He walks in.
One of our sweet loves brought to us through adoption.
He sings.
“The Lord’s been good to me. So I thank the Lord. For giving me – the things I need. The sun. The moon. And the apple trees. Oh yes – the Lord’s been good to me…”
And this… another reminder and teaching moment for me.
The simple reminder in the trenches of motherhood…
In the crazy…
In the full…
In the so little time to rest and for myself…
But so perfect.
Following Jesus to be a mom over and over again is simply worth it.
There are many days I want to be lazy. (I always tell my friends deep down I really am lazy — I mean I want and wish there was time to be. I want days to curl up on the couch and just rest… and eat popcorn and watch Parenthood playbacks or This Is Us over and over. Sounds heavenly doesn’t it?!)
There are days I think about what it would be like to have a schedule that included a few days at the gym… maybe a coffee with a friend… but that’s just not my season. Yes – yes – I know. This beautiful life – all my choice. And I’d make every choice all over again.
How thankful I am.
Daily these gifts — our children — remind us of what really matters.
Instead of thinking about what isn’t in our lives in this season or the sacrifices made to be in this holy, sweet place of motherhood – look at what is. The is for us are beautiful faces and voices — the laundry is just a by product 😉 Our children have filled our days in such a way that my heart just overflows. Focusing on that — changes everything. To what gifts and joys they bring. To our high calling pointing them to Christ. To simply loving each other… and getting to see more and more healing in their precious hearts year after year.
In the piles of laundry and the long days, slow down and ask the Lord to not only speak to your children through you — but to also speak to you through your children. Take a deep breath and see how He may be shaping you through them.
My challenge and prayer as I reflect on my loves transforms what feels like crazy days to hearing Him speak in them. For me, today ended with this reflection…
– Lord – give me childlike faith… like Frank. To count the blessings instead of the costs. To take risks and to simply love. To prayerfully consider what I know what makes sense in the eyes of Jesus rather than in the eyes of this world.
– Lord – give me a song to sing… like Isaac. To be thankful for the little things. And instead of singing about hard things of the past or today – to sing of the beautiful gifts of the future.
– Lord – give me sweet joy and laughter… like Parker and Laney. Running around playing chase in our backyard. Giggling and laughing… and making a mess that neither will probably clean up. Bring sweet friends in my life as close as a sister and brother to walk and worship and laugh with.
– And Lord – oh… will you also some how… give me rest… like sweet Zeke and Janie Claire are getting right now? Some where in between all my mommy crazy?
It’s sweet to think about how our children can encourage us and even point us, their mommies, back to Him.
And I want to tell them how I see Jesus in them too. I want to share how they are lifting me up and what my specific prayers are as I see His traits in them. I always say being brave starts at home being vulnerable with our family — and this is where real, deep connections form, too.
Thank you Lord for showing yourself to me in my children today. Truly amazing how this simple exercise can transform a tired mommy’s heart readying her for a sweet, full weekend ahead.
Praying that each of you can take some time to reflect today on what He may be teaching you through your children as you walk through the dailies of motherhood. Ask Him throughout the day to show you — and be brave in telling your children the beautiful things you think He is teaching you through each of them.
Much love and honored to be on this mommy road with you.
Just what a needed to hear/read this morning!! Thankyou for sharing Andrea!
Our adjustment to 6 has been challenging also. Thanks for sharing!