Landon moved to Bethel China in December of 2016, and what a great Christmas present he was! He was born in July of 2013 and his special need is vision loss. Landon is 3 years old and he loves to play and loves to receive attention from adults. He likes to jump on the trampoline, hold hands and play chasing games. His favorite activity though is to fly really high in the air and he’ll chase after you if he thinks you can help him go really high.
Landon’s teachers describe him as curious and passionate. When he feels things, he feels them big time! He loves to explore and is fascinated by the sounds that things make. He loves musical and noisy toys, drums, tambourines, spinning in the “egg cup” therapy chair, and dancing! He also loves to be outside, especially if it’s time to play on the playground. Because he loves playing on the swings so much, his teachers have been using them to teach him new words.
He is in Bethel’s Chipmunk preschool class, which is English immersion Monday-Friday during school hours. He can now say, “hello/hi,” and “No!” as well as the days of the week, counting to ten, and he can repeat everything else. We’re so happy this enthusiastic little boy is at Bethel!
Landon is paper ready for adoption and we would love to see him in a family. You can email Bethel for more information.
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