Help Bring Audrey Home

September 18, 2017 adoption community, fundraisers, other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

We saw this fundraiser on Facebook and were so intrigued by it we just had to share. Yih-Pai has shared on NHBO before (here and here) and we were so touched by her desire to help this sweet girl come home. Please consider getting (or gifting!) one of these beautiful pieces of art and you’ll be helping a sweet girl come home to her family in the process.

My name is Yih-Pai Chu Lotz and I am doing a fundraiser for Audrey, a talented and beautiful 12-year-old whom I met at a foster care center in China (where both of my children came from). Audrey has a sweet personality and has captured many hearts that have come in contact with her — she surely has captured mine.

Last fall I was thrilled to learn that a Houston family stepped up to adopt her. Recently, though, the family has faced many financial challenges in the adoption process, including dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

I felt compelled to help this family so Audrey can come home as soon as possible. I’m selling my hand-written Chinese calligraphy of a name of your choice (up to five Chinese characters) for $20 dollars which includes a red folder and shipping. I can either translate an English name or do an existing Chinese name (you’ll need to provide a picture of the name, for many Chinese characters have the same pronunciation).

This sample says 奥黛丽 (“Ou Dai Li”), which is Audrey in Chinese

Message me on Facebook (Yih-Pai Chu Lotz) if interested and I’ll give you the order/payment details. All the proceeds will go to Audrey’s family’s matching grant through Lifesong. If you just want to donate to the family, please write a check to Lifesong for Orphans (PO Box 40, Gridley, IL 61744) with the memo: Heinsbroek 7216 (last name and account number).

You can donate online with the same account number and name, but a 2% processing fee will be charged.

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