Waiting for You: Applebee

January 2, 2018 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Applebee just turned 1 year old and waiting for a family. Born 9/2016, Applebee is postoperative for congenital anal atresia. His file states hearing loss of both ears; and left ankylotia (Stricture or imperforation of the external auditory meatus of the ear.) He is a Children’s House International Partnership file, with a Special Focus designation.

Applebee really loves to drink his bottle and it shows in his chubby apple blossomed cheeks. He can hold the bottle himself and is known to throw a tantrum if the bottle is taken away too soon. He has started to eat soft foods and is strong and robust even being born with anal atresia. He has had surgery but will likely require more treatment as he grows. He is also noted to have a moderate hearing loss in both ears although the ankylotia is only stated to be of his left ear. Applebee’s reports were done when he was only 9 months old and updated information has been requested. New video was received but he was quite miserable with the flu and it is hoped when he is feeling better more video can be taken.

Applebee’s caregvers have shared in his reports, “He was weak when admitted to the Baobao class. Caregivers give him delicate care, he gradually grows up and becomes more and more lovely. Applebee could express his emotion through facial expressions of smile, crying, sad or excited. He could visually follow moving objects. His hands coordinate well, could grasp toys, grasp toys far away. His four limbs are flexible, could turn over, cry hard when hungry, likes being held by caregiver, likes toys with lights. He likes milk, hold bottle for milk by himself, let it go after drinking up, cry and throw tantrums if caregiver take his bottle away during his drinking. He sometimes has rice flour. He likes taking bath, happy when taking bath, likes patting the water with hand, happy when it splashes. Dated June 2017”.

For more information about adopting Applebee, please email CHI Specialist Nina Thompson.

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