Teddy Waits!

March 20, 2018 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Meet Teddy who is listed with WACAP!

Teddy is a more introverted child, but he gets along well with others. He has a best friend and together they build with blocks, paint, and listen to stories. They also race down the little hill on tricycles together, and can do it over and over and still be entertained!

Teddy has a very rare and complex condition involving his legs and pelvis, for which he has received surgery. Doctors in China believe he needs further surgery, but that it is too complex for them to attempt. In April 2016, he could walk independently, and go up and down stairs when holding onto the railing. He could jump off the ground, though not very high, and was able to move between sitting, crawling, and standing easily. He knew the names of his friends and caregivers and could name common things, say simple sentences, and knew his colors. He was very focused when doing things and could feed himself and wash his own hands. and though his pronunciation wasn’t always clear, everyone can understand him.

Videos from 2017 show him getting up from sitting, crouching to pick up objects, walking and running! At his foster home he attends preschool, and he follows the teacher’s instructions well. Teddy is noted to be full of wisdom and a unique view on different things. He is in need of a family to cheer him on throughout life!

There is a $4000 grant available to families who qualify to assist with the cost of this adoption. Please contact WACAP for more information!

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