Meet sweet Craig!
Little Craig was abandoned when he was just 10 days old. He is now four years old and is listed as a Special Focus child with Agape Adoptions. He has been diagnosed with difference of his upper limbs. Craig is physically and developmentally on track with his peers and his special need does not affect his overall health. He can walk, run, jump and play just like other kids! He has good self-care skills and can use the bathroom independently. Craig has excellent fine motor skills and likes to play with beads and blocks. More than anything, Craig loves being held and cuddled by his caretakers. When he isn’t being cuddled, Craig loves music- he enjoys singing, being sung to and listening to any music. We are told that this sweet boy is energetic and extroverted! He is very talkative and gets along well with others.
If you believe that you could be Craig’s family, contact Agape Adoptions today or call 253-987-5804. We would love to get you started on your adoption journey!
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