2010 overview of China adoption
January 20, 2011
CCAA, special focus
From the Center for Adoption Policy January 18, 2011International Adoption From China Today. During 2010 the China Center for Adoption Affairs placed children from the non-special needs adoption program with prospective adoptive parents whose dossiers had been logged in between April 3 and April 29, 2006. Given the time it takes for PAPs to prepare …Read More
lots of wonderful news
November 21, 2010
CCAA, shared list
The next shared list will be released on the night of Monday, November 22nd. If you are matched from this list, or were recently matched, please share your news with us! Additionally, CCAA has just announced that families may adopt two children using the same dossier if at least one child is designated as “Special …Read More
China introduces "special focus" children
August 18, 2010
CCAA, shared list
CCAA will now be spotlighting certain children on the shared listing as “special focus” children, opening up new opportunities to help place these older and/or children with more significant special needs. The opportunity to adopt two children at the same time is addressed and seems to be something CCAA is more enthusiastic about, when at …Read More
shared list changes
March 8, 2010
CCAA, shared list
March 8, 2010 The CCAA has made an announcement regarding the process in which families will be able to lock in files of children on the shared list. From the statement, the CCAA addresses the frustration of agencies to be able to lock in files for families already LID, due to the overwhelming traffic when …Read More
word from CCAA
February 12, 2010
CCAA, shared list
**update ~ a second agency has also confirmed this statement from the CCAA regarding the individual lists. This agency will be sending their individual files back to the CCAA very shortly ** We have recently learned of an agency that is stating that the CCAA will no longer be designating agency specific lists. This means …Read More
time is up for non-Hague agencies
October 8, 2009
The CCAA has announced that, beginning December 1, 2009, all prospective adoptive families will be required to work with a U.S. Hague accredited adoption service provider for both transition cases and Convention cases. This could have huge implications for any in process family who is working with an agency that is not Hague accredited. Please …Read More
A Helping Hand
September 26, 2009
A Helping Hand, CCAA, older child adoption, Stefanie
A Helping Hand Adoption Agency has updated their current list of waiting children.Additionally, they are participating in the CCAA’s “Trip of Hope” program. Read more here. For more information, contact:Dana Woods: dana@worldadoptions.org
Announcement from the CCAA
April 30, 2009
Here is an announcement from the CCAA regarding the current outbreak of swine flu, released today.
Shared list
March 27, 2009
CCAA, shared list
A new list of children was released last night on the shared listing!
Orphanage Donation Increase?
February 22, 2009
Rumors are swirling about another orphanage donation increase… already? One source said an increase from the current $5000 to $7000 and another speculated that it was going to increase from $5000 to $9000?Anyone have some insight into this? Feel free to comment or email us at nohandsbutours@gmail.com
News from Lifeline re: switching agencies
February 17, 2009
Agencies, CCAA, Lifeline
New Information Regarding Switching Agencies February, 2009 Families, We have been reading all the new posts regarding switching agencies. This is an exciting opportunity for families to unite more quickly with their children. With this information we want all of you to know that Lifeline Children’s Services is prepared and willing to help families who …Read More
Concurrent adoptions ~ NSN and SN
February 12, 2009
This is an excerpt from an agency’s newsletter. It’s fantastic news for anyone frustrated by the ever-increasing wait times for a NSN referral… Dear families, Many of you have inquired about adopting a child from China and due to the lengthy wait time frames, have been hesitant to begin. As the wait time continues to …Read More
New policy from CCAA
February 12, 2009
Sounds like CCAA is going to allow families already logged in to switch agencies to pursue a special needs adoption! Wonderful news…. “CCAA recently passed a policy to allow families to switch agencies and still use their original dossiers currently logged in at CCAA. Families that choose to switch agencies should request a letter from …Read More