Children Who Wait
Waiting for You: Nelson
April 4, 2018
by nohandsbutours
Nelson has a heart-breaking beginning to his story. He was found in 2011 at the age 2, along with his baby brother. There was a note with them. Nelson and his baby brother both struggled when they came into care- their hearts were broken at all they had lost. Both boys cried all the time, …Read More
Waiting for You: Vance
March 30, 2018
by nohandsbutours
Vance is a beautiful boy with a gorgeous smile, born in July of 2016. He was diagnosed as having inversion of both hands, inversion of both feet, congenital subluxation of left hip joint, and growth development delay. Vance can sit and roll over independently. He actually started rolling to get what he wants instead of …Read More
Find My Family: Joaquin
March 29, 2018
by nohandsbutours
Joaquin is a cutie pie who was born in August of 2016 with Down syndrome and a congenital heart defect, ASD, that appears to have closed on its own. Joaquin is said to always have a smile on his face ad laughs out loud when teased. Joaquin loves when his caregivers lovingly touch him or …Read More
Waiting to be Chosen: Dax
March 26, 2018
by nohandsbutours
Dax is a precious little boy, born in August of 2016 and diagnosed with hypospadias and developmental delays. He was sitting independently at 10 months of age, began to stand while holding onto something at 11 months of age and, at one year, was starting to take steps while holding onto rails for support. Dax …Read More
Auden: A Living Miracle
March 22, 2018
by nohandsbutours
In September of 2015, while on an advocacy trip to China, I met a tiny baby boy with Down syndrome. I had seen children on tv who looked like this child, but I had really never seen or held a child who was literally on death’s doorstep. His situation was very grave due to a …Read More
Teddy Waits!
March 20, 2018
by nohandsbutours
Meet Teddy who is listed with WACAP! Teddy is a more introverted child, but he gets along well with others. He has a best friend and together they build with blocks, paint, and listen to stories. They also race down the little hill on tricycles together, and can do it over and over and still …Read More
Meet Stephanie!
March 8, 2018
by nohandsbutours
This sweet girl with the infectious smile is Stephanie! Stephanie was born in February of 2005 and will be aging out in 2019. Her caregivers are very fond of her and describe her as a hardworking child who has a good sense of humor. This is Stephanie’s last year to find a family before she …Read More
Find My Family: Jannah
February 28, 2018
by nohandsbutours
Jannah is a beautiful two year old girl with Down syndrome – she has no other known medical issues. Jannah is an active little girl and is described as being fond of having fun, easy to make laugh and often laughs out loud. Jannah is close with her caregiver and enjoys interacting with her. She …Read More
Teddy Waits!
February 26, 2018
by nohandsbutours
Teddy was born in August of 2016, was admitted into the Welfare Institute in September of 2016. His special need is postoperative repair of congenital lumbar spinal meningocele. Teddy is currently with BAAS. On admission: white skin, black and bright eyes; good nutrition and development; poor spirit; after admission, the nanny gave him considerate care; …Read More
Felicity Waits
February 24, 2018
by nohandsbutours
Felicity was born February 2011, and is diagnosed with Down syndrome, as well as a heart murmur. April 2016 Information: Felicity is able to walk and run well. Her speech is not always clear, but staff heard her say “mama” very clearly. Caregivers say it seems like she tries to put 2-3 words together, but …Read More