Family Found

Aging Out Child: Pamela

July 4, 2014 0 Comments

Pamela is 13 years old, listed as special focus with postoperative cleft lip and cleft palate repair, blood WBC slightly elevated higher; and otherwise healthy. She is designated to Lifeline Children’s Services. Pamela is said to be a clever, active, and outgoing child, who likes outdoor activity, games, and watching TV. She is helpful to …Read More

Find My Family: Yeager

July 2, 2014 0 Comments

Yeager is an adorable little boy who was diagnosed with scoliosis, normal development otherwise. He is a fun loving, very cute looking little boy whose diagnosis of scoliosis has not slowed him down one bit. He is outgoing and active and loves attention. We did not realize that he had this diagnosis until the caregivers …Read More

Find My Family: Poppy

June 18, 2014 2 Comments

Meet Poppy who was born September of 2003. She is an extroverted, active girl who gets along well with other children. She shares her food and toys with other kids, and adapts well to new people and situations. Poppy has mild CP which affects her right hand but she can use her left hand to …Read More

Find My Family: Gabriel on the Shared List

June 16, 2014 0 Comments

Update: My Family Has Found Me! Sweet Gabriel is 12 years old and has cleft lip and palate. He is a very outgoing, active, gentle, loving and sweet boy. Sometimes, he still needs to be waken up in the morning. And sometimes, he needs to be reminded for his homework. His Chinese handwriting is super good. …Read More

Find My Family: Jenny

June 14, 2014 0 Comments

Get ready for a party with Jenny! Five old Jenny was born blind, but being blind doesn’t stop her from living life to the fullest. She sings, she dances, she is the life of the party. Her caregivers describe Jenny as an extrovert and an active playmate. She is expressive and loves meeting new people …Read More

Find My Family: Finley

June 8, 2014 0 Comments

Ten year old Finley is a healthy, quiet, introverted boy who spent his first several years in another institute before coming to his current orphanage in August 2012. Despite this big transition, he is doing very well! He is close to his caretaker and roommates, and likes playing with the other children and watching TV. …Read More

Find My Family: Andrew

May 30, 2014 0 Comments

Uudate: My family has found me! Andrew is a very polite 9 year old who has been living in a wonderful foster home for the past year. He is deaf. He communicates with his peers and house nannies by pointing to objects and expressing his needs. He has begun learning sign language 3 times a …Read More

waiting child highlight: Gabriel (urgent medical need)

May 28, 2014 1 Comments

Look at this handsome boy! Gabriel is an obedient, soft-spoken ten year old boy. He loves to play with other children, but due to his complex heart condition, he has a hard time keeping up. So often he just watches the others play games while he plays with blocks and puzzles. Gabriel has normal motor …Read More

Waiting child highlight: Tisha Urgent Medical Need

May 24, 2014 1 Comments

UPDATE: My Family has found me! Sweet Tisha is a two year old precious girl designated to Lifeline Children’s Services. She is diagnosed with Beta Thalassemia Major and is unfortunately not receiving optimal care for this special need. She has developmental delays, which are not surprising for her at this time. Her file also mentions …Read More

Find My Family: Colleen

May 14, 2014 2 Comments

Adorable Colleen is 8.5 years old and is diagnosed with retarded growth; deformity of spine. The Little People of America believe that she has a form of dwarfism. Unfortunately for her, she resides in an orphanage that is not very cooperative when it comes to updates so she needs a family who will love her …Read More

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The content found on the No Hands But Ours website is not approved, endorsed, curated or edited by medical professionals. Consult a doctor with expertise in the special needs of interest to you.