Family Found

Find My Family: Grace with WACAP

May 13, 2014 3 Comments

Update: My family has found me! This sweet little face belongs to Grace. Although her nannies describe her as timid and shy, she gets along well with others and is said to be energetic. She is six years old. She loves to listen to music, read books, and play with toys,. Dolls happen to be …Read More

Find My Family: Zack

May 12, 2014 0 Comments

Update: My Family has found me! Zack is a very charismatic and outgoing boy who is usually very happy. He is a clear favorite of the nannies at his institute. He has a big personality and had the nannies laughing during one of his visits with us. He is described as being very smart by …Read More

Find My Family: Becca

April 28, 2014 1 Comments

UPDATE: My family has found me! Becca is a sweet little girl waiting for a family. She turned 3 in October and has Schizencephaly, a non-progressive brain abnormality. Her original file states she had a hemangioma and rickets, both of which are non-issues now. She was reported to have delays, which turned out to be …Read More

aging out children with CCAI

April 24, 2014 0 Comments

Can you imagine life without a family or a person to call your own? Can you imagine dreaming of a family only to know there is a good chance it may not happen? Can you imagine knowing at 14 years of age that the dream of having a forever family has to die because you …Read More

Find My Family: Davie

April 16, 2014 1 Comments

Update: My Family has found me! Sweet Davie is almost two years old. He was born May of 2012. Being cute isn’t enough for this toddler … he has to be smart and sweet as well! Abandoned at birth and longing for affection and a family of his own, this baby boy is doing well …Read More

Find My Family: Chelsea

April 14, 2014 0 Comments

JOYFUL UPDATE: My Family has found me!! Chelsea is a strong and open girl who was found at a station gate in November 2009. She was born February of 2009. Upon admission into the care center, Chelsea was noted to be weak and thin with rapid breath and a feeble cry and to have a …Read More

Find My Family: Robert

April 10, 2014 0 Comments

Sweet Robert was born in December of 2007. He currently lives at a fabulous foster home, where he receives therapy and medical care from American volunteers. His special need is listed in his file as varus of both feet, and deformity of limbs. The foster home states he has arthrogryposis. He longs for parents, and …Read More

Find My Family: Oscar

April 9, 2014 1 Comments

Nine year old Oscar is a beautiful boy and a special one too! He has beta thalassemia major and has jumped from one agency list to another. He has great personality and makes great eye contact. He does repeat everything that is said in English like a little parrot. He is just a little sponge …Read More

Find My Family: Patrice

April 6, 2014 6 Comments

Patrice is a sweet ten year old who was born in October of 2003. She was admitted into the CWI on July 27th, 2004. She is a lively, outgoing, smiley and helpful child who likes to have fun. She likes to play games with younger children and helps the caregivers with chores within her ability. …Read More

Find my Family: Yulia

March 24, 2014 0 Comments

Update: My family has found me! Yulia is so darling, smart and happy! She was born in September of 2010. She can run, walk and jump down the stairs. She can say words like – mother, father, brother, sister, but her pronunciation is not very clear yet. She can follow simple instructions and if you …Read More

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